Mock Webware

    Reduce the time, effort, and cost needed to create and maintain your organization’s BCP.

    The right business continuity plan will ensure that your business is prepared to endure and recover from any emergency.

    Gather and maintain content easily

    The Get Ready BCP cloud-based platform gives you the online tools needed to guide you through the identification of critical functions, essential contacts, supported processes, and Maximum Allowable Downtimes sustainable by each business unit regarding the eight Critical Strategic Priorities within your organization. Accessible via desktop or natively installed on mobile devices.

    Real-time information at your fingertips

    Get Ready’s BCP program is customizable and easily deployable. In accordance with the Business Continuity Institute’s best practices, the Status Reporting Tool provides at-a-glance real-time situational awareness so informed decisions can be made faster to survive a crisis and keep your organization operational.

    Real-time tracking of checklist progress and completion

    Get Ready’s team of experts is available to develop role-based response procedures to support alternate strategies. These dynamic checklists are fully integrated into the online platform and provide real-time tracking of activity progress and completion.

    Leadership Preparedness

    Management will be trained on the use of the BCP platform through initial training and tutorials. BCP of the Month refresher courses and annual exercises will ensure organizational compliance and maintain managers confidence and competence.

    Why Get Ready?

    • Stop expensive facilitated meetings
    • Enter and maintain data directly to the platform
    • Access information from your phone
    • Easy-to-use program providing immediate access to information and real-time situational awareness
    • Links directly to Alternate Strategy checklists
    • Seamless linking to dependencies, equipment, IT, and vendor lists
    • Real-time progress reports and dashboards
    • Online BCP training and monthly refreshers



    Mock Webware

    Get Ready Global

    Complete Emergency Response Plans

    – ensure the right response
    • 2-stage escalation matrix for up to 28 relevant emergency incidents to ensure the right response
    • We separate policy from procedure to provide clear role-based Job Action Sheets (checklists) for up to 9 levels of staff
    • Online incident support forms, reports, and dashboards for real-time situational awareness
    • Online post-incident debrief and after-action reporting
    • Pre-drafted crisis communications for internal and external stakeholders

    Emergency Response Forms and Dashboards

    – immediate situational awareness

    Through Get Ready’s integration of real-time forms and dashboards, our clients can achieve a heightened level of situational awareness far in advance of traditional paper and physical reporting methods

    • Digital incident support forms
    • Quick and user-friendly interface
    • At-a-glance and accurate information
    • Supports rapid and informed decision making

    Get Ready™ Incident Tracker

    Saves valuable time monitoring and tracking incidents

    • Real-time incident status for rapid decision making
    • Supports on-call management
    • Incident history available for review and export
    • Trend, measure and analyze for committee reporting

    Online Post Incident Debriefing

    – you can’t improve what you don’t measure

    To ensure all staff are prepared to conduct their roles and responsibilities effectively during an emergency event, Get Ready provides the tools to support your organization’s in-house Learning Management System. Each training module includes:

    • 4-6 minute training video
    • Quiz for proof of understanding
    • Certificate of Completion for record-keeping

    Incident-of-the-Month Training

    – ensure confidence and competence

    To ensure all staff are prepared to conduct their roles and responsibilities effectively during an emergency event, Get Ready provides the tools to support your organization’s in-house Learning Management System. Each training module includes:

    • 4-6 minute training video
    • Quiz for proof of understanding
    • Certificate of Completion for record-keeping



    Mock Webware

    Get Ready Global

    Get Ready Global

    This IMS-based program includes

    • EOC member training *
    • EOC exercises*
    • Online EOC procedures and forms
    • Put your organization’s Emergency Plan online

    Prepare your EOC staff

    Give them the training they need before the disaster – online, at their own pace, and cost-effectively. Courses include:

    • Incident Command Post
    • Emergency Operations Centre
    • Crisis Communication
    • Post-Incident Debrief
    • Multi-Agency Interoperability
    • Media Relations
    • Bridging the Gap: EM and BCP
    • Social Media in Crisis
    • EOC of the Month refreshers

    Test the Plan. Practice your People.

    • The Two-Hour Table-Top Exercise – virtual response, live EOC activation
    • The Site Exercise – customize, full live activation and response
    • Program Evaluation and After-Action Report

    EOC Toolkit

    Provide your EOC staff with the cloud-based tools they need to efficiently and effectively manage an emergency – from virtually anywhere.

    • Dynamic EOC Job Action Sheet (JAS) to guide members and document decisions made and actions taken
    • Fillable forms to track tasks and communication
    • EOC Dashboard for real-time situational awareness
    • Have your organizational Emergency Plan available online
    • Desktop and mobile cloud-based software using existing ICT hardware

